Absolutely loving a ton of work by this artist to be featured on Monday. More of his work to come.
Have a great weekend!

One Year...and Counting
Today marks my one year anniversary with my boyfriend. Being in a long distance relationship for a large chuck of it has been incredibly hard, but he's my best friend, and I would not have wanted to spend this last year with anyone else.
If he reads this, I hope he knows that I love him with all my heart ♥
PS: Love is in the air on the other side of the pond too; the Royal Wedding is today...will you be watching?
If he reads this, I hope he knows that I love him with all my heart ♥
PS: Love is in the air on the other side of the pond too; the Royal Wedding is today...will you be watching?
Type City Cleveland
Type City Cleveland first started in 2007 as a class project for students at the Cleveland Institute of Art. The instructions from their professor, Chris Ramsay, go a little something like this:
1. Choose a Cleveland venue (unique to the city, no chains)
2. Choose a typeface that represents that venue in all aspects including mood and atmosphere (all typefaces are purchased from Veer)
3. Create the venue by using the characters of the typeface selected
If it sounds easy, you are mistaken. This is an intense time consuming creative challenge, and each piece gets judged by graphic designers, architects, typographers, and illustrators to select some of the best piece each year.
Here are some of my favorites from over the years:
1. Choose a Cleveland venue (unique to the city, no chains)
2. Choose a typeface that represents that venue in all aspects including mood and atmosphere (all typefaces are purchased from Veer)
3. Create the venue by using the characters of the typeface selected
If it sounds easy, you are mistaken. This is an intense time consuming creative challenge, and each piece gets judged by graphic designers, architects, typographers, and illustrators to select some of the best piece each year.
Here are some of my favorites from over the years:
I dunno what it is about 2008, but there was some crazy competition going on then, and a lot of my favorites came from that year. To see the rest or to buy one of these lovelies, go here.
Ohio Pride
Today's new lust list category deals with my home state of Ohio. I was born, raised, attended college (OSU if you couldn't tell by item #5 below), and have so many good memories here. Although I love this state and being close to family and friends, I'll probably move someday soon for better job opportunities, and I've been looking for ways to keep a part of Ohio with me. These items are just the ticket...
No. 1 ~ Ohio outline necklace - silver ~ Kris Nations via Tigertree
No. 2 ~ Chalkboard State Map ~ shop dirtsa via Etsy
No. 3 ~ Customizable Ohio State Pillow ~ love, california
No. 4 ~ Ohio Plyboo Cutting Board ~ AHeirloom
No. 5 ~ Cleveland Skyline: Day typography print ~ Erin Pilawski via Type City Cleveland {more to come about this project tomorrow!}
No. 6 ~ Script Ohio t-shirt ~ HOMAGE
The best part of items 3 and 4 are that they are customizable {and come in different state forms}. You can ask them to place the heart wherever your own heart lies....and oh man do I wish Paper Parasol Press would make an Ohio print like the state prints seen below. They have just recently added a Texas print too, so maybe Ohio could be next if I put in a nice little request?
{11 x 14 Letterpress California and Illinois Posters}
PS: I just realized I feature t-shirts a lot. Do you think it bum-ish of me? I do appreciate a nice soft t though...
graphic prints,
lust list,
Baseball Attire
The previous post has gotten me excited for baseball this year and has left me thinking about the rest of my baseball attire for the season. You don't need to lose your femininity when you're cheering on your favorite team. Though they do make women's fan gear, most of it still leaves something to be desired. Below is a list of items I plan on adding to my lineup. They're pieces that are dressier than your average sports attire, but are still down to earth approachable in natural fabrics, such as cotton, denim, and canvas. Basically, they're all made out of comfortable fabrics that are going to breathe while you're out in the heat, but they're all a breath of fresh air without making you look as though you're trying too hard. Pieces perfect for turning your date's, significant other's, or even a stranger's head. Oh and they're also in a patriotic palette that most team colors don't stray too far from.
Uniform Pinstripes : made famous by the team up North~ Play Ball Pinstriped Dress ~ Laga via Ruche
~ Aerie Romper ~ American Eagle Outfitters
Fresh Cottons : light and airy for a day at the ballpark
~ Tuxedo henley ~ J. Crew
~ Chambray-stripe tee ~ J. Crew
American Denim : twists on an old classic
~ Chambray Denim Dress ~ See By Chloe via Matches
~ Chambray Denim Button Down Skirt ~ Topshop
* I have a denim jumper that I absolutely love. Some people make fun of the idea of it, but I always get compliments when I wear it. Absolutely cute and as comfortable as your favorite pair of jeans. Here is to more denim I say!
Fiery Reds : a touch of bold color that'll turn heads
~ Cooperative Coney Island Suspender Short ~ via Urban Outfitters
~ NW3 Boyfriend Cardigan, Admiral Red ~ via John Lewis
Ruffled Rompers : vintage inspired clothing that is as comfortable as it is cute
~ Gelateria Romper ~ ModCloth
~ Flounce with Me Romper ~ ModCloth
* Since creating this post, both of these rompers have sold out {and boy did they sell out quickly}. I'm on the lookout for something similar. Does ANYONE know of any such pieces? I was so set on getting one of them...
Comfy Flats : important pieces for a day walking around downtown before and after the game
~ Stripes Forever Sandals ~ via Anthropologie
~ Blue jean ballet flats ~ J. Crew
* With the exception of the Fisher Price heals that were glued to my feet as a child (so much that I went through 2 pairs), I have never really found a heal that was all that comfortable. Keep in mind that you may be on a date, and I don't know many men who are going to be impressed by your shoes. Plus, you're going to a ballgame, so keep the heals at home, and go for a more comfortable and appropriate shoe.
Mixed - Metal Necklaces : your (never have to worry about matching) statement necklace
~ Three-Tone Chain necklace ~ via Neiman Marcus
~ Sailor's knot necklace ~ Banana Republic
* Since creating this post, the three-tone chain necklace has also been sold out. I either have really good taste or just really bad luck. The website given has some alternative pieces though if you're looking for a similar style.
Natural Totes : neutral enough to go with many outfits, but stylish nonetheless
~ Canvas Tote Bag ~ Hope via La Garconne
~ Cooperative Canvas Buckle Bag ~ via Urban Outfitters
* When going to a ballgame (or any sports event really), it's important to be prepared for all types of weather. One minute it could be sunny, and then the next minute the sun has gone down bringing the cold and/or rainy weather. These totes are large enough to keep a bottle of sunscreen, a poncho, cardigan, and whatever else you fancy.
Now that you look fabulous, just be sure to watch out for the mustard and ketchup stains.

Tonight embarks the first Dime-A-Dog night of the season at Huntington Park in Columbus, Ohio. That's right, just ten cents per hot dog! * Bonus * boyfriend and I can attest that they're actually pretty tasty. Dime-A-Dog night was introduced to a minor league crowd years after a disaster-filled promotion in 1974 at it's affiliated major league stadium in Cleveland, Ohio. Turns out Dime-A-Dog night has not only been just as successful as that 10 cent beer night, but also has been much more peaceful as well.
To help with the promotion, Homage (a Columbus based clothing company) has produced t-shirts to be sold at the events and online for just $10 a piece. I regret not purchasing a t-shirt last year, so I've been waiting for the return of this t. The shirt brings me back to one of my favorite dates with my boyfriend, and hopefully will see some action at Huntington Stadium sometime this season.
As you can see above, there have been some changes to the shirt from last year. Though I do wish there was more color incorporated or a deeper hue to the shirt, I am enjoying the new overall look.
To help with the promotion, Homage (a Columbus based clothing company) has produced t-shirts to be sold at the events and online for just $10 a piece. I regret not purchasing a t-shirt last year, so I've been waiting for the return of this t. The shirt brings me back to one of my favorite dates with my boyfriend, and hopefully will see some action at Huntington Stadium sometime this season.
As you can see above, there have been some changes to the shirt from last year. Though I do wish there was more color incorporated or a deeper hue to the shirt, I am enjoying the new overall look.

Easter Parade
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend as always. This year I spent my holiday in a very low-key manner with just my immediate family, but we still ate some tasty grub and spent some quality time together. We even popped in the movie Easter Parade for the occasion.
I've a BIG fan of old musicals, and at nearly 50 years old, Fred Astaire is still at the top of his game in this film. I still can't get this song out of my head...
I've a BIG fan of old musicals, and at nearly 50 years old, Fred Astaire is still at the top of his game in this film. I still can't get this song out of my head...
movie posters,
Ready for Take Off
I normally don't post on the weekend, but I've been sitting on sharing this necklace with you, and now it's almost sold out. I have to let you know about it before it's too late. Just add it to my lust list of origami necklaces like the one from my (500) Days of Summer post yesterday (here).
{Dangling Paper Airplanes Necklace via Fred Flare}
PS: Since spotting this necklace a little while ago, I saw it posted on Pinterest, and now it's nearly sold out already. This happens with a ton of other items too. Does anyone else think that Pinterest is dramatically increasing business for companies, or is it just me? Clearly a plus for them and the economy, but I get so bummed when I've added something to my lust list, don't jump on it when I see it, and it's gone in a week or less.
Happy Earth Day & Easter Weekend
If you didn't know, today is Earth Day. To celebrate, I'm leaving you with two nature pics from my favorites on Flickr. Just a reminder to take a moment today to appreciate your natural surroundings.
Have a great Easter (or just general) weekend! See you back here on Monday!
Have a great Easter (or just general) weekend! See you back here on Monday!
Film Style Inspiration : (500) Days of Summer
So I brought up this movie earlier in the week here, and if you haven't already guessed, it's one of my favorite films. I thought it would be fun to use this as my inspiration for today's post. Here are all things Summer:
No. 1 ~ Vintage Baby Blue Eyelet Print Dress ~ Modcloth
No. 2 ~ Fly Like Paper Cranes Necklace ~ Modcloth
No. 3 ~ Apple of the Month Club ~ via HoneyCrisp.com
No. 4 ~ Top Hat - Bowler Black ~ Buy.com
No. 5 ~ Original painting of Ringo Starr on 12 in" vinyl ~ MEGAvisual via Etsy
No. 6 ~ The Picture of Dorian Gray ~ Penguin Classics via Amazon.com
No. 7 ~ Royal Blue Headband w/ Bow ~ Banbury Cross
I also found this vintage dress similar to another wardrobe piece Summer wore. It's a bit more intricate with lace detail, but it shares the same neckline and silhouette. You could wear it to a wedding just like Summer did or to many other special occasions.
{Natasha Pale Blue Lace Dress - vintage circa 1950's ~ via Priestley's Vintage at Coggles.com}
Now if only the weather showed all things summer...
film style inspiration,
Wishing He Was Dead
I can't get enough of this video from The Like that appeared on my Spring music mix here. I love how they've reinvented themselves and the old sound of their record. The album was even recorded with 60's equipment. Can't say many people do that anymore. Here's Wishing He Was Dead by The Like :
vintage vibe
For Ian
This post is for my friend Ian. He has been one of the people that has continually been there for me recently, and I don't think he knows how much I appreciate it. He's a huge Hitchcock fan, so this goes out to him:
{Hitchcock Print by Matt Needle via Needle Design and Illustration}
graphic prints,
Coverage - Ipad Style
I received an ipad from my brother about a year ago along with a sleeve case. The case is really nice, but I don't like the fact that my ipad isn't being protected while I'm using it. Sadly, I never did anything about the fact, and just yesterday I noticed a small little line on my screen from where something must have scraped against it. So my friends, it's now time for a new case...
The look : A portfolio case (preferably) that is nice on the eyes; something feminine most likely or at least not something too plain and boring.
The look : A portfolio case (preferably) that is nice on the eyes; something feminine most likely or at least not something too plain and boring.
Vintage Pink covers via Spartina 449}
I like these cases above, I'm just not in LOVE with them.
Here are some other cases from Tech Candy. They both come with two silicone inner wraps and an outer decorative hard shell that allow for more than one look. I've had my eye on them for a few months now, but they do not have any protection for the screen. I know I can get screen protectors, but I wanted more coverage than that.
Does anyone know of a case that combines my love of the two (the look of the barcelona, but the style of the portfolio)?? Please share!
Creative Food Styling
These photos come from a Swedish IKEA cookbook called Homemade is Best. I stumbled upon them today when looking for new recipe books. Aren't they interesting? I wish I could land my hands on a copy of the entire book to see how all the ingredients were styled. Very creative. The photographs were taken by Carl Kleiner and the ingredients were styled by Evelina Bratelle.
Anyone know if you can get a copy in English?
food styling,
The Fundamentals of Geometry
Geometric patterns have been taking over the world (and my lust list) by storm. Here are some of my favorite geometrical pieces:
No. 1 ~ Geometric Dress w/ Belt ~ Forever21
No. 2 ~ Precipice no. 2.2 ~ Polymorphia
No. 3 ~ Geometric Pattern Blue and Green Tumbler Glasses {Vintage, set of 6} ~ KMD Creations
No. 4 ~ Ritzy Stripe Grey Geometric Throw Pillow ~ Mod Pillow
No. 5 ~ Remix - yellow throw pillow ~ Ferm Living
No. 6 ~ Tan Brass Pyramid Bangle ~ Stella McCartney via Bluefly
No. 7 ~ Triangle Long Necklace ~ Mirabella
No. 1 ~ Geometric Dress w/ Belt ~ Forever21
No. 2 ~ Precipice no. 2.2 ~ Polymorphia
No. 3 ~ Geometric Pattern Blue and Green Tumbler Glasses {Vintage, set of 6} ~ KMD Creations
No. 4 ~ Ritzy Stripe Grey Geometric Throw Pillow ~ Mod Pillow
No. 5 ~ Remix - yellow throw pillow ~ Ferm Living
No. 6 ~ Tan Brass Pyramid Bangle ~ Stella McCartney via Bluefly
No. 7 ~ Triangle Long Necklace ~ Mirabella
My Father's Daughter
Last week Gwyneth Paltrow's cookbook, My Father's Daughter, was released. What was once a long anticipated release for me, became overshadowed by so much over exposure for GP that I forgot about the release date entirely. Don't get me wrong, I love Gwyneth, but too much can be a bad thing...
All this aside, I'm still quite interested in how the cookbook turned out. We know the girl can cook; have you seen her on the PBS special On the Road Again? I plan on going to check out a copy tomorrow, but in the meantime, I'm scouring the internet to find sneak peaks of what awaits me. Below is a photo from her cookbook, and I believe the burgers on the top right are what she made on Regis & Kelly (clip also posted below).
All this aside, I'm still quite interested in how the cookbook turned out. We know the girl can cook; have you seen her on the PBS special On the Road Again? I plan on going to check out a copy tomorrow, but in the meantime, I'm scouring the internet to find sneak peaks of what awaits me. Below is a photo from her cookbook, and I believe the burgers on the top right are what she made on Regis & Kelly (clip also posted below).
{cookbook photo of My Father's Daughter via Amazon.com}
{the cooking doesn't start until about four minutes in}
Does anyone have the cookbook yet? I'd love to hear what more people have to say about it.
All the Buildings in NY
Hello again! I hope you all had a great weekend.
Anyway, enough teasing you with that picture from last Friday's post...
Anyway, enough teasing you with that picture from last Friday's post...
Do you recall that scene in (500) Days of Summer where Tom sketches his favorite part of NYC on Summer's hand? Well if Tom was an actual person, I imagine he'd take on a project like this.

This guy can definitely capture the life of a building. If you'd like to see more of James' work and follow his progression in drawing all the buildings in NY, you can visit his blog. Which one is your favorite?
graphic prints,
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